Thursday, December 20, 2012

Positive subliminal messages Software for Achieving Goals

Subliminal messages are the hidden messages which directly communicate with the sub-conscious mind bypassing the conscious mind. Subliminal messages can be either in the form of words or pictures. Human mind receives these type of messages from the outside world we live and tunes our mind to start believing the same which it has received.

Subliminal Messages:

Most of us tunes ourselves with all negative thoughts unknowingly. When we set a goal to achieve something like getting an ideal job, or making money, having good relationship these negative thoughts becomes as uphill task in achieve the goals. With the development of technology, using software you can tune our mind to desired manner to achieve goals. This is very simple. Lets find it out how?
Subliminal messages are secret messages directly interact with the subconscious mind. Subconscious mind can gather thousands of information at a time which conscious mind cannot able to detect. Subliminal messages are quite popular with the hidden messages in the advertisements which enhance the audience to buy something there by increasing the sales. In order to understand the power of subliminal messages we have to know the true power of subconscious mind.

Subconscious Mind and Conscious Mind

 Subconscious mind is termed or described as universal mind. It is slave to the conscious mind. Subconscious mind takes commands from the conscious mind. When conscious mind is like captain of the ship sub-conscious mind is like man in the engine room feeding fuel to the boiler. Man in the engine room has no idea where the ship is moving he simply takes command from captain and loads the fuel accordingly. What ever conscious mind commands subconscious mind humbly accepts without questioning. For example if conscious mind tells that " I Fail in Exam", it humbly accepts the command and works towards failing the exam. Therefore one must be very cautious that what signals (positive feelings or negative feelings) he is sending to subconscious mind. Time and again if you feed such negative affirmations you program your mind to fail every time. Subconscious mind is both your best friend and enemy by the way how we program it
Most of us grow in negative world which limits our potential to achieve our goals. By positive affirmations and messages we can tune our mind to achieve our goals. As we have programmed negatively from our childhood it will be difficult for us to change the mindset. When you tell yourself that you will achieve it, your conscious mind interferes and tells that you cannot achieve it. Therefore reprogramming your mind difficult task

Subliminal Messages Software

 Technology has made human life easier. The same phrase is applicable to reprogramming our mind. A wide verity of computer software are available online which helps to program our mind towards achieving goals. This software programs includes flashing of images or affirmations on our computer monitor which our naked human eye cannot able to identify. But these messages directly communicates with the subconscious mind and programs it accordingly.

How to choose the good software:

 Choose a software program which can flash images. As one image is equivalent to thousand words and subconscious mind doesn't know language. It communicates with pictures and images. Therefore software which has the ability to flash images and positive affirmations is good one.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Creativity Improving Techniques

When we use our imagination and visualize something then this tasks are carried in our right part of the brain. So person with good creative ability uses his more of his right part of the brain than the average human being. Ability to have Creativity is the only difference between the man and the beast. Because of the creative ability man rules the earth. But most of our conventional learning system involves much of our left brain effort making our right part of the brain unused most of the time. But to have creative ability is a must to solve most of our daily problems and think beyond the box.
Techniques to Improve Creativity:
Creative ideas can be enhanced through some exercises
Draw Pictures and color them: The best to improve creative ability is to draw pictures and color them with different colors. Try to improve your drawings with more ideas every time. As this involves using right part of the brain this certainly improves creative abilities
Day Dreaming: Practice day dreaming at least for 10 minutes every day
Brainstorming: This includes take an object and write how u can use the object as many ways as possible.  Brainstorming helps to get creative ideas and think out of the box.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Flight or Fight response of Human Body

Our Human body is incredible and is designed to cope up with different environmental conditions. Our Human body has a special mechanism called Flight or Fight Response Mechanism which we all inherent with our living. However like two sides of a coin this flight and fight mechanism helps us in certain situations of danger and  on the other side this damages the bio mechanism of human body. Hence this 'fight and flight response mechanism'  is considered as 'Boon and Bane' as well.

Story about flight and fight mechanism:
For better understanding this i will tell a story which happened 10,000B.C. A caveman after his day long hunt came to his cave, he was tired and hungry as he could not able to get the food that day. Suddenly he say a deer in his cave lying. Then he has to kill it for his survival, during that situation 'Adrenaline' was secreted which results in blood supplied to brain reduced and supplied to legs and hands. Oxygen supplied to muscles and he become stiff, he fights for the food and certainly got that.
The other day he came back after hunting and couldn't find anything to eat. Suddenly he saw a Lion sleeping in his cave. After being in such situation same thing happened, Adrenaline pumped out his hands and legs become stiff but during this situation, he did not fight lion because he will be out ruled in front of the king of the jungle. So the adrenaline pumped during this period helped him to run much faster and save his life.

From the story it is understood that during high stress situation Adrenaline pumped out and saved the man in both the cases. Adrenaline pumped out is used as physical energy.
( Story is made just to make fun don't feel bad)

But the cave man days are gone now we are not living in life threatening situations every days. But during stressful situations for us adrenaline pumps out (office meetings, exam preparation, inspection day etc.). As mostly we are not involved with high physical workout. The pumped out adrenaline mix with blood and causes headaches, heart attacks, increase in blood pressure which results in ill effects. 

Sub-conscious movie method tuning

sub-conscious Mind:Our sub-conscious mind has no language. It communicates the conscious mind through images only. When you got an thought at this instant about 'rose flower' you will be visualizing a rose flower in your mind. If you think about flying train your thought process will produce a flying train image in front of you. So pictures communicate thousands of words.Our Sub-conscious mind is the most powerful unseen organ in the whole universe. All our behavior is the result of   how we tune our Sub-conscious mind in the past.

Mental Movie method to achieve goals:

This is the greatest technique explained by Dr.Murpy in the book "The Power Of Sub-conscious Mind" (the most valuable book in my life). This method is based on the principle:  Our sub-conscious mind understands only Images, it does not differentiates what is real and what is virtual.
This technique includes making a  movie in our mind and visualize the movie when we are alone and relaxed, during the bed time (bed time is most important as conscious mind sleeps where as the subconscious mind work for the goal what you have created in your mind during the night; sounds crazy but it is scientific fact.).

"Imagine your self you have achieved what ever the goal you set in your life and your are happy,proud and all the close one's to you are happy for you. You are strong, confident and energetic person during that situation. Make a small movie like this and play it repeatedly in your mind, just visualize".Our subconscious mind which don't differentiate the true image you see in eternal world and the virtual image you see in imagination tunes itself to achieve the goal you were shown to it.  Subconscious mind can take you to  the goal easily .

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Boost Your Mind Power

Body Mind Soul Co-ordination:-

In order to lead a happy life what is required for a man?. Life is nothing but bunch of experiences. In order to have value to our life we should maintain a co-ordination between Body Mind and Soul. What is this?

Body :

We should require good food to eat, shelter for survive and clothing and some basic things to lead a happy life. One should satisfy his body needs.


Learning is a life time process. We should learn something daily in our life. We should meet new people, visit new places and learn how to live in this beautiful world. Learning is the food to our Mind. We should feed our mind with good things.


Man is not the body and Mind. There is something great than this. That power is present in everyone of us. This great power is left untapped by most of us. It is something divine in nature. LOVE is the true meaning of soul. We should love everyone in this world.
Meditation is the source to meet the coordination between body,mind and soul. By this three coordination we can lead a HAPPY LIFE


There is a great power in the World. This power has the more potential than the Nuclear Weapon. This power is gifted by the god to the Human Beings. This power rules the world. IT IS THE POWER OF HUMAN MIND.

The Capacity of human mind is Unimaginable. This is an unlimited power. We tap around 2-3 % of this power and rest is left Unused. It is the power which provide us with abundant riches, Good health, and happy Life. Our Mind is a powerful magnet it attracts whatever we believe. STRONG DESIRE, BELIEF, and PERSISTENCE are the primary keys to the power our Mind. We have infinite intelligence deep in our mind which can provide anything we believe and has the potential to solve complex problems. It is the power of mind which make genius stand away from the crowd

Truly speaking in order to describe the power of mind, it is a never ending topic. Lets join our journey and share your views....